TaranekSir-Tar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sir-tar/art/Taranek-850640232Sir-Tar

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Sir-Tar's avatar




Meet Taranek, he will be one of the main characters in my comic oneday!
I will create a small language for the elfkind, and Taranek will mean ''Raven'' in this language!
Taranek is a 23-year old lesser elf (I will explain about Lesser and higher-elf kind later, but basically the lesser-elves will have no horns, though regardless of being higher or lesser elf they are treated all equally.)
He is a quiet wise young archer. c:

But there is still a long road to travel before I can begin to create my comic! I can hardly make any sort of backgrounds.. so I need plenty of practice.
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2500x1400px 2.38 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Sir-Tar
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KosmicAC's avatar

Very cool design i love it ! Great work !