FNF Kaizer's OG and D-Sides DesignsSinnytheFennec on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sinnythefennec/art/FNF-Kaizer-s-OG-and-D-Sides-Designs-1050195338SinnytheFennec

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FNF Kaizer's OG and D-Sides Designs



Started April,30, Finished May 1st, 2024

Artwork of Kaizer's OG Design (left) and his D-Sides Design (Right.) The OG Design's is mostly unchanged aside from the fact that Kaizer now has black cuffs.

The D-Sides Depiction is a different story. It's basically a version of Kaizer that's more into his cartoon roots. It's based on an old character known as Democritius the Porcupine, who was originally known as Xen-Cross. I have basically abandoned him due to him being a Xenophanes Clone and recycled parts of his design for his version of Kaizer.

Kaizer within traveling into the D-Sides Verse is a dark blueish green porcupine that has a snout which is more accurate to the animal he's based on, with whiskers on the end of his muzzle. He also has more rounded ears and a little jewel on his top of his forehead. He has red eyes and a small tuft on his chest. He wears a red bowtie as well as gloves and spats with blacks cuffs on the ends of them. All points on the end of his spines have changed as well, being on the top instead of on the bottom.

Kaizer's Wiki Page can be found here: https://continued-exe.fandom.com/wiki/Kaizer_the_Porcupine

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© 2024 - 2025 SinnytheFennec
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