The Neck That GrindsSinister-Scribe on DeviantArt

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The Neck That Grinds




Looks rather like Aegis convinced Ares that the world really would be better off if they were in charge, doesn't it?

Title is in reference to My Big Fat Greek Wedding when the mother says 'the husband may be the head of the family, but the woman is the neck and she can turn him whichever way she wishes'.

Rants about how sexist that is can be left at the door, please, Adara CANNOT act in this way on her own, it's just the way her powers work.

As for the scythe, Ares borrowed it from a friend.

I've got a lot of 'comic cover' style illustrations floating around for Aegis and i have done a four page short of her dealing with Ironwang, BUT I LOST IT!!


Anyways, enjoy.
Image size
1530x2256px 1.59 MB
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