I'm going to save you from your painSimbiothero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/simbiothero/art/I-m-going-to-save-you-from-your-pain-1131296291Simbiothero

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Simbiothero's avatar

I'm going to save you from your pain



Random User: Noooo you should kill him because (Insert reasons why he should kill him and why that's okay regardless that it's completely out of character)

We could say it all started with Superman doing something very simple; talking to him. Superman began by understanding him in depth and not jumping to a conclusion. Still being willing to stop him, but not for being a murderer or anything like that, but to save him from himself but without the need to kill him or hurt him excessively.

Giving him back what we all, in our darkest moments, need; Hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope for a better future.

Part of the Crossverse

Template belong to Mask-of-Vice

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900x506px 438.69 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Simbiothero
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Axeman19's avatar

So did he still try to kill ida’s brother?