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I don't want to feel this anger
Don't talk down to me
When you use that cheap tone of voice
I shut off instantly

You're not quite how I thought you would be
Not like I imagined
It's not quite how I felt it would feel

And I can save this battleship
It's worth one more try
And I can steal this battleship of mine
and I will sail this battleship
It's worth one more try
And I can save this battleship of mine

And I will give you my life, if you'd save it for me
I will swallow the sea
When all you offer is silence
I can't help if you won't speak


Messing around in SAI, listening to Temposhark on repeat in the background... Yeaah.
This is Kaylee, he's actually been around since, oh, 2009. I just don't do mmuch with him and his brothers (Len, Athen, Sven). He's a zombie. Hence the grey skin and oddly coloured blood. Died by drowning after jumping off a bridge and was brought back to life (much to his dismay)

I might be making a comic about these kids... Kaylee won't be the main character, though... That'd be his little brother, Len.

Kaylee Camelot (C) ~SilverRevolver
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© 2011 - 2025 SilverRevolver
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Shallott's avatar
Wow. Really good.