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104 Watchers82 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • June 28
  • United States
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (238)

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor who, mlp, etc :)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Three days grace, and all other music (I'm weird :p)
Favourite Books
Beverly clearly books!! (I'm such a kid XD)
Favourite Writers
Look up! ^^
Favourite Games
Any game you can picture
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, PS3, and XBOX
Tools of the Trade
Clay, drawings, ponies, ponies, ponies,
Other Interests
I've always had a thing for Pokemon

**New Account**

0 min read
    Hi everyone!! as the title says, yes i have a new account here on DA. And to answer some questions, Yes ill still be active on this account + the other one, Yes ill still post ponies on this account, etc etc. So, go follow :iconscribblesofthings: :devscribblesofthings: for some Steven Universe related art. im always on it so please go check it out!!
anonymous's avatar
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i got tagged...

0 min read
i was tagged by :iconthatonedog13:50 Secrets About Yourself Be HONEST no matter what. 1. What is your natural hair colour? lightish brown2. Where was your ID pic taken? i dunt have one...3. What's your middle name?  louise :34. Your current relationship status? Itz complicacated...5. Honestly, does your crush like you back? ughghag thats what X36. What is your current mood? So flippin happay7. What's the color of your underwear? uh. my underwear is white...8. What is one thing that makes you happy? My friends x'39. Who was the last person you cuddled with? my pillow10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be? to...
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Would you ask me for a commision?

3 votes

YAS!!!!!! La la la la

sure, why not


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Profile Comments 195

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TamWinter's avatar
happy birthday!
Ruitherga's avatar
Happy birthday!
JJJMadness's avatar
 Scalpel (Left)Tini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeTini Vintage Syringe
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces Eyeball  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesTini Cleaver (Right)  Tini Preserved Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Broken Heart  Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Tini Preserved Heart Tini Cleaver (Left)bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesPill AvatarMoving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Virtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - Y Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 iconPopsiclebunch of smiley faces
  GHOST HEART Moving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconVirtual Retro LED - BVirtual Retro LED - IVirtual Retro LED - RVirtual Retro LED - TVirtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - DVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 icon GHOST HEART 
Tini Vintage Syringe leftTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeScalpel (Right)
birthdays's avatar
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.

We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: KoudelkaW
Anisa-Mazaki's avatar
Airborne Trophy Dance! Juggle Boogie!  Party :squee:Free Avatar - CupTardCake Sun HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sun Free Avatar - CupTardCake  :squee: Party Boogie!   Juggle Dance! Trophy Airborne 

Have some free Art too, for your Special Day :) (Smile)
  Candy-free Wallpaper 2 - Full by Anisa-Mazaki
Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D
birthdays's avatar
Woohooooo! Party :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: Party Woohooooo!

On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.

We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team Love

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: :icontana-jo: