484-AT-King MercurySilverlegends on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/silverlegends/art/484-AT-King-Mercury-207610624Silverlegends

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484-AT-King Mercury




Added three more facts and the finishied Photshopped, shaded BG.


Take a bit of peach...
Add some Greek Pope from an alternate story...
Spice it up with some british wizard...
Mash it on a whacked creative mind...
And voilá! you've got yourself an OC.

:iconsailor-serenity: has her own set of characters wich I have illustrated a time ago. And we've kept ever since a regular relationship in here, taking request from each other and making some trades over the time.

And it happens that afetr our initial trades I asked her to draw Tenshi and she denied that one, because she don't draws men very well, so I asked anothre thing back then. (This is improtant believe me)

Time moved on and we talked a few weeks ago, when I became a little more regular than the few last months and we had a small chat in wich we've talked about her OCs and stuff and I asked her if she was interested on having me to develop the male branch of her OC family. She accepted at once starting with developing a character for each one of her beloved Moon Mamas. So being entrusted with this task I started my quest to Mount Doom and destroy the One Ring develop each character.

So at once you start looking all over the stuff you own (and even ask for a few more) to get models, inspiration, references psoes and the like and don't start bugging on this, because everyone here do this. Anyway... I had at hand at the moment a Peach kart I got from a KFC meal, several mangas, a Star Wars Planet guide, my Harry Potter DVDs and the latest Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas episodes. And the madness began inspiration came by.

10 basics about him

(I'm not sure if I have to do the whole thing ^^;)

* He's the second eldest member of the group.
* As you might expect, he's a huge nerd a very smart person.
* He's pretty calm and analytic, measuring every possible scenario before making a move.
* He has eudetic memory... wich means, he can rember everything. :iconwooooplz:
* Weapon/Item of choice: He doesn't like them at all. It's all about technique and memory for him.
* Element? Water/Ice
* About Mercury Princess? He cares for her very much and teaches her the most of his own knowledge and experience next to his wife. Like most parents, he's very picky about the one interested on her. (I'm looking at you my young Sky Ranger)
* Origin: Mercury's Capital City. Member of a noble family entrusted with guarding priceless knowledge stored trough ages. He served as an advisor and counselor to the Moon Queen when he meet the young princess Athari. Despite the age gap between them (Over 20 years), they got along due her mature personality, "It's like you're kissing your dad..." commented Allana once, after that she was pushed over the balcony.
* Likes... music, artifacts, stars, peaches and lilys.
* Hates... darkness, ignorance and weapons.

Silver is out
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