
Macavity Is The Mystery Cat Of DEATH BATTLE!

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Macavity by SilverJenkins
Aka: The Mystery Cat, The Hidden Paw
Origin: Cats

Rumored to having broken every human law
-If that's true, he's done some messed up stuff
Scotland Yard is uncapable of catching him
-SCOTLAND YARD is fooled by a CAT!
Kidnapped several Jellicle Cats to manipulate the Jellicle Ball
-Put most of the remaining Jellicles under his spell
Nearly succeeded in becoming the Jellicle Choice

<da:embed id="wH9D9dcr6NY" profile="youtube" width="560" height="315">

364c40e09fc38f98c657249a8ddf4f01 by SilverJenkins
Physical Abilities
Fought off two other cats, Alonzo and Munkustrap, at once
Domestic cats are capable of reaching speeds of nearly 50 km/h in short bursts
Very agile with a great sense of balance
Jumped on top of a billboard
-Billboards are about 14 feet (4.2 meters) high
Plummeted several feet down onto solid stone and got up like nothing happened

Catnightvision by SilverJenkins
Sees exceptionally well in the dark
By brushing his whiskers against an object, Macavity should be able to detect the exact size and texture of it even in the total dark

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Consistently fools other cats and even Scotland freaking Yard
Snuck around Victoria without her being able to pinpoint his location
Disguised himself as Old Deuteronomy without any of the other Jellicles noticing

skimbles the cat | Tumblr
While never shown, he has been stated of being capable to levitate
-In the 2019 movie, Macavity did lift Skimbleshanks into the air with his powers, so the statement is more than likely true

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Puts other cats into a trance and controls their movements
In Cats 2019, this spell was replaced with Bombalurina spraying catnip onto everyone

Cats (2019) Spoilers Thread |OT| A Ketamine Trip of Yowling ...
Appears and disappears in a puff of dust
Capable of teleporting others at will
-Doesn't even have to touch them, a glance suffices
-Doesn't have to snap either, so suck it, Thanos

Minor Reality Warping
Changed a neon sign as he jumped onto it
-Instead of saying "Moriarty", the letters changed and spelled out "Macavity"

While cats do have nine lives, Macavity is on his last
Cats 2019

GIF Macavity | Cats
"Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity, there never was a cat of such deceitfulness and suavity."

Not gonna lie, watching Cats in cinema while being drunk off my ass was one of the most fun movie experiences in quite a long time. If you like "so bad they're good" movies, please go ahead and watch this trainwreck.

Macavity was pretty cool, actually. Sure, he looked fucking ridiculous, but who didn't.
© 2020 - 2025 SilverJenkins

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MajorM117's avatar
Me and my sister saw Cats in Cinema on Christmas eve, we got good and drunk and bought pizza and honestly it was a lot of fun