TLK: Sweet-ToothSilver-Wolf-17 on DeviantArt

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TLK: Sweet-Tooth


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(Don't worry guys it's just raspberry filling :p)

Kinda forgot how we got there but a chat I had with a friend had gotten to a point where we just started comparing TLK characters to types of pies, and they happened upon this image of a raspberry pie and thought it looked just like Zira, what with its colors and pointy shapes.

I then pointed out that I was able to find Zira's entire color scheme with it and ended up coming up with an art challenge: Choosing a random image of food that reminds you of a character and using colors from said image to make a simple art of said character.

To really turn this into an art exercise, I experimented with the Live Image Trace feature on Adobe Illustrator to give this a sharp, clean look. Just felt like doing something different.

If anyone wants to try this Food Palette Challenge, you totally can tag me if you want. I wanna see! You can even try this challenge for non-TLK art, or even non-fandom art, like your OCs and whatnot.

Happy Halloween and Happy 25th Anniversary to The Lion King II: Simba's Pride!
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854x878px 187.63 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Silver-Wolf-17
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Silverserri's avatar

I kind of want the sugar from the pie to kick in next.

Sound effect: POING!

Zira: o.O


Zira zoomies for the win!