Lunar Chibis 2: Serenitiessilver-eyes-blue on DeviantArt

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Lunar Chibis 2: Serenities



Lunar Chibis 1: [link]

These are the second two chibis out of a series that I am drawing for :iconelila:'s birthday present.

I plan to draw chibis of hers and mine Moon Legacies - which means I have to draw a total of 15 chibis (since Queen Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity and Small Lady are present in both legacies, I will not draw them twice).

I wanted to finish them in time for her b-day, but now I think Christmas seems more likely. XD

Anyways, here in the image you see Queen Serenity and Princess Serenity, manga version. Both belong to Naoko Takeuchi, naturally.

The chibis turn out somewhat uneven when it comes to the style, but that is because I do each of them separately.

Still... Aren't they adorable? :3

The reason why these chibis take so long is because I am digitally inking the linearts - something I usually don't do. XD

Lemme know what you guys think. ^^

Sailor Moon Universe and all related charas belong to Naoko Takeuchi.

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800x518px 270.73 KB
© 2009 - 2025 silver-eyes-blue
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Ashira-Storm's avatar
WOW....i wonder, could i try making a glass painting out of one of them?
these are brill^_^