The Blind HuntressSilvanne on DeviantArt

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Silvanne's avatar

The Blind Huntress



Here's my entry to =Kxhara's contest. I've been painting it for two months and I've put a LOT of effort on it! I'm not used to painting textures and light at night, so I had so many difficult times with it! Moreover, I didn't use any reference for the pose and face so i kept changing them every while. I'm not very sure of how it turned out, but at least it made a very good practise!! :) Hope you like it!! :happybounce:

Alright then, here we go:
The Blind Huntress is neither a "fat" nor a "hot" super heroine. She's fit. She trained herself over the years in order to be able to make her own justice. She hunts the wicked not exacly to help the needy, but end with the wold's pain. As she was blind and was able to train herself, she believes everyone else can train and protect themselves, so she sometimes will "attack" (without actually harming) someone she thinks has potential, so she can indirectly teach them some defense and raise their awareness. Despite her blindness, she's able to fight because she can feel every movement around her. She can fight in short distances, but she mostly uses guns. She hates blades above everything. Her past is a mystery. All we know is that she has a benefactor who provides her all she needs.
Image size
1091x1628px 859.75 KB
HP Scanjet e709n
Date Taken
Jul 18, 2012, 6:12:32 PM
© 2012 - 2025 Silvanne
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Shenkylla's avatar
Es chulisimo!! Sobretodo los detalles de la ropa de la chica me encanta cómo te quedaron ^-^