Favourite Visual Artist
RTP, Dalí, Van Gogh, Modigliani.
Favourite Movies
The Phantom of the Opera, Iron Man, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Amelie, Conoces a Joe Black, Indiana Jones, X-Men First Class, The Avengers, Sherlock Holmes...
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Hannibal, Friends, Dr.House, Sherlock BBC, Lost, Korean Dramas.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Beatles, Green Day, Muse, Nirvana, Blink 182, Mago de Oz, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hombres G, OneRepublic...
Favourite Books
Orgullo y Prejuicio, La caja del mal, Phantom-Susan Kay, The Phantom of the Opera, El extraño caso del Dr Jekyll y Mr Hyde, Por todos los Dioses, Nacido del Diablo, Emily The Strange: Los días perdidos, Jane Eyre, Saga Eragon, Sherlock Holmes...
Favourite Writers
Neil Gaiman, Conan Doyle.
Favourite Games
Mario Bros, Sonic X..., Metal Slug.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
CS5, Paint Tool Sai, Premiere, Word.
Other Interests
Dibujar, Escribir, Escuchar música, Leer.