Welcome to my page!
My name's Janneke, I'm 17 years old and I'm from the Netherlands.
Some years ago I started to make some pictures with my compact CASIO EX-FH100.
Then I saw how wonderful photography is and this year I bought my first DSLR; the Canon 600D,
with the kit-lenses 18-55mm and 55-250mm. I'm really in love with this camera!
I prefer to make pictures of my dog Kiki, who's a 3 year old golden retriever, and nature.
I also like to draw, but because I'm busier with photography. I only draw when I'm with my good friend Soscha, haha.
You should check out her profile too! I've drewn things like dogs, manga, a little bit of cartoons and more animals.
Hope you like my gallery and I hope to learn/see a lot here on DA!