HBDJUJU!shusical on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shusical/art/HBDJUJU-332126169shusical

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HBD JUUUUU <333333


Happy birthday ♥ I'm sorry I'm late ; v ; I... am proud I finished a picture at all with the well, the rate I've been going at lately HAHHAA TT____TT //buried under wips. I'm sorry it's kind of a boring picture! I'll have to draw you mountains of (proper) bunnies one day LOL. I posted this to your FB with a kind of cheesy message (eep sorry h-hhuu ;O; BUT I CAN'T HELP BEING CHEESY? AHAHHA) but um umm -- I uh... I though I'd upload the picture here for you too! ;v;♥

I love you Juuuu * U * <3333 Have a super happy birthday and I hope we can continue to have happy Shuju times >U< <3333 Or even not-so-happy ones, when you are here for me and I will try my best to be there for you! ;U; I always look forward to our chats even if I never know what to say but you always make it feel right! Eehehe ; U ;♥ Uuahh I wish we could know each other irl so we can go and do cute things *o* <33 I always see things and think of you AHAHA ; v ; Not to mention you really are one of the sweetest I've met, I'm super happy I met you! >U< Thank you for always being you, and staying strong, and being such an inspiration to me ;v;<3 I always wonder if I can do enough for you that you do for me but I know you wouldn't want me to think that way ahah ;v;... Uuwahh Juju♥ Thank you thank you so much ; U ;!♥♥♥♥♥
Anyway, I also wanted to say (to everyone/my watchers/etc.) thank you so much for 3k+ watchers! I'm... really honoured, AHAHHAA when I checked it recently I just... LOL I just stared for a bit AHAHAHAHA wwahhh ; A ;! I never would have imagined having so many, honestly... TT u TT Thank you so much! <3 I'm so sorry for the inactivity recently, though ;ooo;; I'm still here and I don't have any plans to quit or leave and still am working on... everything lol so don't worry! Thank you so much for always being patient ;; <333333333

Textures from <run> and <marina>.
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741x872px 850.92 KB
© 2012 - 2025 shusical
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