shugo-chara-fanclub's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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KillerSKYDERP's avatar
usagi-chan99's avatar
*shamelessly self promote*

:iconcharaadventures: come join my group~ >w<
we are a role playing shugo chara group and we are opened for new members. :D
Sgathan's avatar
Care to affiliate with :iconhozuki-academy:? It's a Shugo Chara RP group that takes place in a different city...
goffaar's avatar
You guys, you should have stricter quality rules for the group. I’ve noticed there are a couple of below-par deviations being submitted, get them trained or something before it’s too late. Give them the boot even!
usagi-chan99's avatar
would like to help us then?
this club could need some help...
kinda falling apart ><
goffaar's avatar
dude to be honest i would just close the group, somethings cannot be fixed i'm afraid. The other day one of my knees melted as a result of too much internet... and i don't think that can be fixed so i closed it. it's that simple really.
usagi-chan99's avatar
ok...? O_o
well it's kinda sad to just close it plus im not the one to close it :/