Shralana's avatar


Defenestrating since 1986
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Deviation Spotlight

  • July 15
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (191)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (191)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
My Bio

Chloe lost in her thought processes

Hedwig's Relatives Moving to a Town Near You: (I LOVE these birds, they are so pretty, and of course I loved Hedwig in Harry Potter too...that would be so neat to be able to send people mail by owl...and having an owl as a pet that could function the way they do in the Harry Potter books!)

:iconrunllamarun: (Yeah, it looks like a fluffy hamster, but it's supposed to be a llama!)

:iconexcitedlaytonplz: I Heart Professor Layton! :icontophatplz:

My Favorite Comics:



Pilot Takes Planet Venus for Oncoming Aircraft

"Look, there's a plane coming right at us, OMG SWERVE! Oh wait, it's just a PLANET."

Can we make sure we don't get on a plane with that pilot again, please? Someone has bad depth perception!

Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus!

Really, who would believe this stuff? lol You'd have to be either pretty gullible or pretty stupid. It's funny, it seems like they write the most random stuff on pieces of paper, then draw out a few different slips to make a new 'endangered' creature. It's quite hilarious, though --->

OMG...could it be?! This might be the Tree Octopus! Or maybe a close relative,lol


:iconfurrydanceplz: :iconllama3dplz: For Llamas or Points :iconllama3dplz: :iconfurrydanceplz:

Click to protect Big Cat Habitat. It's 100% free. There's also other things you can click on to help/donate daily! Yes, this is real, it's not related to the tree octopus thing above,lol.


:iconlaplz: Comic Stuffs! :iconlaplz:

Bookmark for Little League:

Bookmark for Wolf's Rain comic:

Bookmark for Lackadaisy comic:

Bookmark for Epiphany Comic:

Bookmark for War Dogs comic (and no that's not what it's really called, but that's what I'm calling it lol)

This is a pretty neat little comic. It's short, you can read it easily in one sitting, but I thought it was awesome. It's about a girl who's parents are divorced, and she has to visit her dad in hell.

Deadbeat Dad

Bookmark for Skull Kickers


Herr Llama Emperor BAM! Herr Llama Emperor

Oh, such sweet awesome-ness,lol. This is a sketch of a contest entry that I did for :iconaccasperberry3: She made this sketch Heart


~Miscellaneous ME notes~

Cheat link for translations:

For phrases:

deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: Country, but I'll listen to just about anything, except the really heavy metal
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny - he was my fav character when I was little

Favourite Movies
Too many to choose just one, but the most recent fav movie I rewatched is Howl's Moving Castle
Favourite Writers
Sooo many, but some I like is Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer
Favourite Games
Most recent (ish) game I've played that I like is Plants vs. Zombies, and I like WoW, too :o)
Hello, everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your summer. I just wanted to apologize for the, few months or so at this point, things have been getting hectic around here, and looks like it's gonna stay that way for a while, a not quite determined amount of time. So I've been absent more than usual on dA! Usually I try to get on once a week, and sometimes end up getting on once every other week, but now it's...kind of all over the place, definitely more off than on.Been taking care of an ailing family member, and that's what's going to be going on for a while, so please, please forgive me my absences and slow responses and such! E...
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0 min read
Trying this new thing out (well, new to me!) and seeing how it works. I've seen it on some people's pages before, and it seems to work for them. if you watch/fave/llama certain people, you earn points by doing so, but only if you're a certain number of the first ones to do so, which seems to make this a lot harder! I know I haven't been on super often, and it also bases the point system off that, so I've been trying to be more active. I commented, liked, faved, etc for a few days, got back on, and it still sent me a message saying I'm not active enough to earn points! I don't know if I'm doing something...
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Holiday Mayhem

0 min read
Hello, pplz! I apologize for anything and everything that has been/will be late last month and this month! You know how the holidays are, running around trying to chase those turkeys so they can be your main course and hunting elusive gifts for picky people and all that whatnot. If you're understanding with me, I'll be understanding with you, lol. I won't make this long, back to tackling the inbox! Enjoy your holidays, and be safe and have fun! :D~Shras :emplllama:
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Profile Comments 125

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Sara-Roth's avatar
Thank you for the :+fav: :)
craiyohn's avatar
Hey thanks. Are you a fil?
Darrocker009's avatar
Hi!I'm a Filipino!:D
Shralana's avatar
Hai, me too! :meow: Love your doge icon
4RN13's avatar
Thank you very much for letting me join the group,was what I meant to say.Heheh!