ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Shpleem on DeviantArt
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"Higher than yours Bolter."
Caster is Bolter's partner on missions, and generally the brains of the pair. Both specialize in interception, scouting and hit and run missions. Caster uses heavier but slower firing plasma casters when compared to Bolter's repeater weapons, but he backs up their slow fire rate with his built in weaponry from his UAV alt mode.
Caster is Bolter's partner on missions, and generally the brains of the pair. Both specialize in interception, scouting and hit and run missions. Caster uses heavier but slower firing plasma casters when compared to Bolter's repeater weapons, but he backs up their slow fire rate with his built in weaponry from his UAV alt mode.
Image size
1366x606px 155.28 KB
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