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Daily Deviation

June 25, 2010
Avatar by ~shokxone-studios would have made a perfect cover for my Avatar DVD! I am lost for words, this fan artwork shows the best of the best from the movie and leaves you wanting to watch it yet again! The composition is outstanding and those colours are so dazzling they make my jaw drop!
Featured by rydi1689
shokxone-studios's avatar





I loved Avatar, but the poster campaigns never quite lived up to the movie's insane imagery. I hope I've gone some way toward correcting that. Once again Drew Struzan (famous for his Star Wars poster series, as evidenced by your comments) is a point of homage here, and I think with this collage I've come the closest yet to aping his style.

The actual intent of this image is for a custom DVD cover; that shall be forthcoming, as I'm waiting for the inevitable Special Edition coming at the end of the year. In the meantime, I decided to have some fun with the completed poster.

EDIT 7/8/10: So after the ENORMOUS response following the Daily Deviation feature, I decided to go back into this monster and add a few things some of you indicated it was missing...and you were right. So, your beloved Norm Spellman is now present and accounted, along with Parker Selfridge, and even a chunk of Unobtainium. Other little additions/corrections dropped in as well.

I'll try to make this the last revision, but I realize...sometimes you only think something is done, when really you've just been working on it so long you're tired of looking at it, knowwhatimean?

EDIT 8/31/10: And just to prove my above point, I went and made one more addition to this bitch. I always thought the space next to Jake's Avatar head was missing something, and it didn't occur to me until recently what sort of decoration I could put there. So, problem solved. I think it really helps tie the whole thing together.
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1500x2222px 850.47 KB
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