Phi-15 USSVShoguneagle on DeviantArt

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Phi-15 USSV


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The Phi-15 Unmanned Space Superiority Vehicle (USSV), a limited-AI controlled craft designed to coordinate and fight alongside manned starfighters, in-particularly the Tau-X1 drone control fighter, fielded by the Athenian Fighter Corps / Athenian Defense Fleet. Background to follow. From my science fiction setting Super Dimensional Phalanx Athena.

Commissioned artwork by Adam Kopala

Crew: No manned crew / limited-AI 

Dimensions: 9.2 meters in length, 6 meters in width
Powerplant: 1 fusial thrust engines
Performance: Classified
Offensive Systems: Twin photon cannons - nose-mounted, 2 x guided energy missile launchers (40 charges total), Drone Coordination and Control System that can synchronize with two other Phi-15 USSVs and command and control craft (such as Tau-X1)
Defensive Systems: A.E.G.I.S / Artificial Enhanced Guidance and Intelligence System link, ECM/ECCM package, drone shield share system
Optional Equipment: Short-range lower-dimensional space-time fold system booster
Image size
3800x1900px 728.85 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Shoguneagle
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