Shizunes-Revenge's avatar


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KiyomiYoshida's avatar
Hello! I was wondering if you'd possibly like to affiliate with some groups made by my friends and I? The groups are LeeSakuFansUnite, NaruCoupleFans, Naruto-OC-Designers, Her-Imperial-Majesty, and Sasuke-x-Ichiki. :) 
Snowflower--Chan00's avatar
Why isn't there a group who supports KakashixShizune?
oOQuietSnowOo's avatar
That's what I wonder myself! It's be really nice to have more people supporting them :)
Snowflower--Chan00's avatar
MAybe we should make one.
KeplerNova's avatar
Shizune is such an awesome character :D
Fungushi's avatar
are already created these two groups
we would be sisters??
oOQuietSnowOo's avatar
Hello there! I'm terribly sorry for such a late reply from me, but I haven't been much active on deviantART as I used to (check the blog entry I posted on this group ^^;)
However, now I'm here and I added all Kurenai's, Anko's and Mei's Revenge groups to the list of our sister groups. Again, I'm sorry for a late reply.

If you are interested, however, you could (or some of the people you know) administrate this group as well, as I'm no longer able to do it myself. :(