[CLOSED] Marami 007 - Sea LionShiroTheWhiteWolf on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/shirothewhitewolf/art/CLOSED-Marami-007-Sea-Lion-1054768590ShiroTheWhiteWolf

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ShiroTheWhiteWolf's avatar

[CLOSED] Marami 007 - Sea Lion



It's a sealion. But actually, it's a sea lion.

This character is playable at @@DrakonianPalace ARPG!

[DP] Welcome to Sakhengell - Size Comparison


What are marami

Subtypes (click the image for more info!)

Marami Subtypes

Marami are one of the most recognizable native Drakonian species of Sakhengell and, alongside silbals, the only remaining descendants of beasts that ruled over the archipelago over two thousand years ago. Although much smaller and not as feral, they kept many traits of their ancestors, who lived in small stationary or nomadic packs and were known for their unique communication system. Modern marami tend to live in more diverse Drakonian communities due to their highly developed adaptive and social skills. Marami's ability to split their tail and enter a state of split mind lets them perform multiple tasks at once and learn faster than most Drakonian species, though surprisingly, they tend to be quite incompetent at using magic until they fully develop their mind-splitting abilities. Although the feather crest around the marami's tail does not have any functionality outside of being a remnant of their ancestors' ways of attracting mates, marami, to this day, are extremely proud of those and often run feather beauty contests.

Design details

ID: MAR007 - Sea Lion

Class: Drakonian
Subclass: Prime
Species: Marami

Type: Coastal (uncommon)

Ears: regular

Tail: any

Vibe glands: regular

Vibe sensors: regular

Feathers: regular

Mutated genes: mane, feelers, bare (no scales), fins

Owner: DragonBorne369

Sale rules:

- Paypal only - do not claim if you can't pay within 24 hours after accepting your offer

- No refunds - you're buying a finished product that doesn't require shipping

- Do not claim if your account is less than 2 weeks old unless you can provide a link to your older account

Taking at least 40 USD (60 USD AB)

I'll most likely accept the very first offer I see, the AB is there in case I'm unavailable for some time and someone wants to offer more!

- New owner is free to change/add accessories, manestyle (hair), mane (hair) color(s), and scarring.

- Each design gets a masterlist entry at SakhengellCompendium

- The masterlist image is full-size. I'll only send additional files to the owner if they request a non-shaded version.

Drakonians are closed species by @@ShiroTheWhiteWolf

Image size
963x907px 684.16 KB
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Forests-n-Foxes's avatar

I'd love to offer 40 please ;w; I love them!