Reshiny: Totodile line (gen 2 forced evo)ShinyDexProject on DeviantArt

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Reshiny: Totodile line (gen 2 forced evo)



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Pokemon Shiny Re-colours project: forced evolution theme (gen 2)

White dot: normal 
Yellow dot: regular shiny
red dot: shiny recolour

Normal: While I'm not a huge fan of its evolutions, totodile itself is pretty amazing. It looks fun, and in the anime it acts fun, just dancing all the time.
Shiny: Green suits it, suits it very well.

Normal: I hate the body design, looks like a cave man or something. Wearing a.. thing.
Shiny: Same as before, great shiny.
Reshiny: Sigh....

Normal: Love that name, and it's an improvement over Croconaw, tho not as good as Totodile.
Shiny: Looks good still.
Reshiny: It just gets a little bit lighter.

Credits to Gamefreak and Nintendo, for owning and creating Pokemon.
Image size
576x624px 14.59 KB
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