Fire Emblem Heroes Icon Template 3.1shinybellsprout on DeviantArt

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shinybellsprout's avatar

Fire Emblem Heroes Icon Template 3.1



This .PSD file is a template based on the mini portrait icons in Fire Emblem Heroes. It has full support to make icons for characters of 1★, 2★, 3★, 4★, or 5★ rarity, and is now updated to include new additions! Here are all of the new features in the latest update:

★ Pink Borders & Stars for heroes with Summoner Support, available for all five rarities
★ New weapon icons for Colourless Breath, and Red/Blue/Green Bows
★ Blessing icons for Legendary Heroes and Blessed Heroes, and double placement options of Favourite Hearts to accommodate
UPDATE! (16 Apr) - Now contains the Green Heart icon used to denote Friends' units in Rival Domains & Grand Conquests battles. Make sure to redownload if you'd like the newest add-on.

Use this file to create your own avatars, profile images, etc. in the Heroes style. The preview image shows a sample icon made at all available rarities. The process is very simple!

1) Insert your chosen character image into the "Art" folder. Fire Emblem Cipher art makes great material to work with! You can also use official art, mug sprites, or whatever you wish. The layer mask should ensure that the art is lined up in the borders nicely.
2) Place the correct stars/border for your icon by setting visibility of the appropriate ★ Rarity folder. For example, if you wish to make a 4★ character icon, make the "4★ Stars/Banner" folder visible. Only the desired ★ folder should be visible; all others should be hidden.
3) Select the appropriate weapon type icon from the Weapon Symbols folder. Again, make sure only one icon is visible. (There are currently no custom weapon icons, only the ones available in the game.)
4) Toggle on or off the Heart/Favourite Icon(s) and/or Blessing Icons as you wish. If you use a Blessing, use the (Bottom) Heart; if you don't, use the (Top) Heart.
5) If necessary or desired, use the semi-transparent backdrops available in the "Backgrounds" folder. There is one for each rarity, merged characters, Summoner Support, and merged Summoner Support.. If your image has a background of its own, the background you set will not show within the border, but it does add a shadow effect around the border.
6) Save as a .png file to preserve transparency.

This is an updated version of the previous template that can be viewed here:…

Feedback or questions are welcome!
Image size
346x346px 7.8 MB
© 2018 - 2025 shinybellsprout
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shinybellsprout's avatar
Thanks for the comments, everyone. I will indeed be uploading a new version of the .PDF file sometime in the near future with coloured Bows/Daggers, Laguz/Beast weapons, all new favourite Heart icons, and more. Sop stay tuned!