Tutorial: How to make a cheap hand replicaShinjusWorkshop on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shinjusworkshop/art/Tutorial-How-to-make-a-cheap-hand-replica-340672808ShinjusWorkshop

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Tutorial: How to make a cheap hand replica



This is the first tutorial part of the many tutorial list that I will make by showing WIP of my Mandarin Spawn.
I hope you enjoy it!
Also, please tell me if there is anything I should improve while working on my tutorials.
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850x6928px 4.74 MB
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yume-chan05's avatar
Thanks a lot for your tutorial! I have to make a latex prothesist so it will help me a lot.
But I have one question, If I understand well your tutorial (It took me a certain time xD), your let the bottom of your hand on the clay, you building a wall and put plaster on the top for cover it (I'm all right?). You didn't get any burns? few years ago our art teacher show us pictures of burns caused by plaster (like you mention It), and It's freak me out xD My father give me a "white plaster", for "all type of works". He thinks It's not suitable for that, what do you think? A modeling plaster will be better? (like your. If It's possible, can I have the name of the band?)