Love Music StampShinji-Sama on DeviantArt

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Shinji-Sama's avatar

Love Music Stamp



I was on DA, listening to music, and while searching for a new song, I took note to just how many artists in different languages I had [which for me, would mean any not in English].

...Basshunter, Oomph!, O-Zone, Daler Mehndi, Rammstein, Prabhu Deva [crazy Indian dance on YouTube], t.A.T.u., and the list of Japanese/Korean/Asian artists alone is huge... Akira Yamaoka, Asian Kung-fu Generation, Aural Vampire, BoA, Dir en Grey, Gackt, Utada Hikaru, Nami Tamaki, Zone... just to name a few...

Don't love music for a certain language. Love music for music. :D
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100x58px 7.92 KB
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maid-in-roses's avatar

Absolutely agree with this! Although I often listen to music in English (native language), I often listen to Brazilian bossa nova (it's in Portuguese) and rarely some songs from animes of 90s (they're in Japanese). It's true that the main thing in music is not words, but music, I just know a lot of good American and British music of 60s-90s, but the bossa nova of the 60s is divine!