OC SvetaShinitzue on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shinitzue/art/OC-Sveta-399104891Shinitzue

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OC Sveta



Yes this drawing looks slightly creepy, but I enjoy drawing creepy things sometimes.

This drawing wasn't supposed to be like this...but I lost all my motivation to work on it. I started this drawing almost a month ago and I kept working on it little by little. Eventually I just grew tired of working on it. It wasn't turning out the way I wanted to no matter how hard I tired. In the end I had to cut out most of background and came up with this. That's why some things seem out of place like that blue flower. Also I seem to have forgotten to draw in her hands. I decided to shade it in a way where it would look kind of dark, not sure if it worked or not, but oh well. I do like my little creepy guy I created. Also take not of that pile of stuffed animals in the back, that took a while to draw. I guess all in all it didn't turn out too horribly. I drew this for a collab video with another youtuber LSeiraL. We were each supposed to draw a twin and this is mine. I'm not sure when the collab video will be uploaded, whenever we get around to making it.

Here's some info about Sveta

Name: Sveta Reshetnikova
Age: 17
Height: 155cm
Weight: 96lbs
Hometown: Anadyr, Russia
Personality: She is bright and kind, yet oddly mysterious.

If you'd like to know more about her story, keep an eye out of the collab video.
Image size
2400x3000px 3.24 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Shinitzue
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rikuness's avatar
your drawings and videos are so awesome!!!