[TG] 4.4 :: Victory: A Snowfall Celebration by Shiiraa-x, literature
[TG] 4.4 :: Victory: A Snowfall Celebration
[ 4.4 ] Victory: A Snowfall Celebration. All of the bandits have been defeated thanks to everyone's heroic efforts in the battle!
As a thank you, Kōsetsumura is holding a big banquet in the town hall − Feast and be merry! note: Kōsetsumura is a very small village, the buildings are similar to TG (old and traditional),but there is snow all over the place, the buildings are stone and have wooden roofs ( not tile ) .For more information on Kōsetsumura villager appearances, check their appearance rules . − Mission Type: Static! Client: Kōsetsumura. Reward: 100 Ryõs Setsurou & Kaoru Total Word Count: 4,654** After retrieving a pla...