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FeralGator's avatar
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (343)
thoughtART: Participated in April Fools' Day 2014
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
half•alive, Glass Animals, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy
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Final Fantasy XIV, Pokemon, Skyrim
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Tools of the Trade
Paint Tool SAI
Now that I have a few examples, it's time to open up commissions! I'm doing pixel art like the ones below for PWYW at a $10 minimum. I can do humans and anthros for sure, and I'm willing to try ferals (but keep in mind that I have little experience with them, and it might not turn out as well). The pixels will either float or bounce; I can't figure out how to make them animated in this journal, but if you view them in my gallery, you'll see the animations. I will have your commission done within 3 weeks, though if my queue is short, it'll likely be done within just 1 week ^^Either reply to this journal or note/chat me with the character reference, and a pose reference as well if you have one in mind! I'm currently only accepting PayPal or art trades as payment, though that may change in the future.Slots:1. twitter slot2. twitter slot 3. open! 4. open!
anonymous's avatar
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I'm also interested in art trades! Feel free to comment below or send me a note/chat if you are interested in an art trade ^^ Will do: -humans -anthros -feral -complex designs- however, a $5 fee may be added Bad at, but willing to attempt: -armor -robots -musclesInfo: -payment via Paypal within 48 hours -will not start drawing until payment is received -no refunds -you will see a WIP of the sketch and be able to ask for any changes before we move on to pixeling the sketch -personal use allowed, contact me if you want to use it commercially -the art will be completed within 3 weeks of payment accepted
anonymous's avatar
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I'm doing little pixel arts on my own base of your characters! I can do them in singles, couples, or groups. The price is $2 / 160 points per character. Keep in mind that due to the size, small/complex details may be omitted or difficult to notice. Comment here or send me a note to commission me. Include at least one reference image of your character, either by link or directly in the message, and let me know if you'll be paying via PayPal or points. I'll start on your commission after I've received payment, and should be done within 3 weeks. If you have a preference for receiving the notification that I've completed your commission via note or comment, let me know! Slots are per commissioner, not per character. PayPal slots: open open open open open Points slots: open open Samples: Finished:
anonymous's avatar
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anonymous's avatar
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picanori's avatar

Thank you for the watch and favs! 🌸

RETR00LKA's avatar

Thank You! [v.1]

Hello! Thanks for your attention! I appreciate it a lot! ❤️

I wish you to have a great day! 😘

Shidei's avatar

Thank you so much! ^^

motteo's avatar

Thank you for the fav 🩵

Sweetskinks's avatar

Thank you SO much! I just saw this! Your so sweet aa

cC0RN's avatar

Thanks for the watch, my friend!