ShellzArt's avatar


Embracing the Digital World
21 Watchers41 Deviations

untitled by ShellzArt, literature

Winter Soulstice by ShellzArt, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: Sacramento area
Favourite genre of music: New Age/World and Classic Rock/Metal
Favourite style of art: Realism/Surrealism/Fantasy
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: ipod/no video
Shell of choice: Um, I kinda like conches...
Skin of choice: wrinkle free would be nice
Favourite cartoon character: Tinkerbell
Personal Quote: No matter where you go in the universe, there you are.

Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha, John William Waterhouse Botticelli, Brom
Favourite Movies
Currently it's Watchmen
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Depends on mood: Dead Can Dance, Moody Blues,The Beatles, Black Sabbath...
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Rice, Stephen King and misc scifi writers including Asimov, Heinlein, LeGuin
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, pen & ink, PainterX, CS3, Poser, Wacom ta
Other Interests
Art, literature, science, mythology, psychology

Kung Fu Panda

0 min read
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting We saw the animated film Kung Fu Panda on Fri nite and it was great . The cinematography was excellent, the story was sweet and well written and the animation was superb. Add to that the voice talents of Dustin Hoffman and Jack Black(among others) and the great fight scenes and you got a winner. I highly recommend seeing this on the big screen. It ranks up there with Toy Story and Babe . It's also hilarious and you'll LYAO. I mean Jack Black as a Panda –c'mon, ya gotta love it.  Also looking forward to seeing Wall-E .  I have old Art School classmates working for Pixar and it's fun to see their names...
anonymous's avatar
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FYI For All My Old myOtaku FriendsDue to lack of participation and site politics on TheO, I am no longer active on myotaku. I have turned off my site there and DO NOT CHECK IN there any longer. Blogger has replaced myO as my public blog. You don't have to join Blogger to read my posts or comment, that is why I chose it. So plz, don't be shy. If you read my posts there, leave an anonymous comment. Just get thru the spambot checker and sign the comment so I know who you are. If you want to contact me privately, you will need to e-mail me or note me here on dA. Blogger has no pm system. My e-mail is posted here and on my Blogger profile. Hit...
anonymous's avatar
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First off I wanna say I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. Shout Outs to Bowery Dweller and Whimsical Desire Happy Mother's Day ladies!Sorry I've been gone so long... I've been very busy and preoccupied with the house. So many projects going on...once they are completed, I have a feeling I will start uploading a boatload of art, so be prepared for a deluge. LOL I'll try and catch up with deviations, I promise. I do look at ppl's works,it just seems whenever I'm on dA, they are in "read only" mode for maintenance. Grrr. Late at night is usually when I peruse galleries so It's very annoying.We had the outside of the house painted a...
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Profile Comments 44

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Grifdaddy's avatar
Just sending the annual greeting and checking in with you and DH.
Hope you're doing well. Zealot and I are well and little Grif is 5 months old now.

Take care and my best to DH.

Lytjuh's avatar
heya, I know it's been ages, but I hope you're doing alright. Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas waaaaay in advance so I won't be able to forget. Know that you are often in my thoughts and prayers, even though I don't communicate much (at all) anymore.

love, Lydia
knightedge's avatar
Hey, Yensid!!! So how's it going on your side of the world(USA)?

Just wondering, cause I haven't heard from you in fingers won't let me count that high, but you get my point.
ShellzArt's avatar
Hi Edge,

Yeah it's been a while. I'm not on myO anymore, I deleted my acct there. I never check MySpace anymore either. I'm on Facebook and not really blogging much anymore but I do have a blog on Blogger.The link is posted in my dA profile. Once I start making some art, I will be here on dA more often.

Looks like you and Misty are going strong. ^_^
Nice to hear from ya, take care

knightedge's avatar
Yeah I'm not on theO anymore either, and the same goes for myspace. But I am hopefully that we'll be able to keep in touch here...well possibly.
ShellzArt's avatar
Cool, I would like that. I am trying to check in here once a day for msgs.