The Last Shadow WardensShattering-Gravity on DeviantArt

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The Last Shadow Wardens



Iselvella and Shiratelle's parents, born in rival tribes, volunteered to leave their people to aid the Shadow Wardens. As honorary members of the borderless, peace-keeping tribe, the two young warriors were temporarily freed of their tribes' strict laws, including laws against consorting with (and potentially falling in love with) enemies from other tribes. At the end of their fealty cycles, they took life-long vows with the Shadow Wardens to stay together. Less than a moon-step later, the Shadow Wardens were gone. 

I have officially decided that while Rieldaren all have striped hair, "striped" no longer has to mean long streaks of alternating shades like Vell and Shira have. It can also mean jagged streaks across the hair. Is it because it looks cooler? Well... Let's say yes? But also because I couldn't figure out how to get the streaked effect in Raegizar's stupid hair, so here we are. 
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Greentulf's avatar

I know we're supposed to focus on the characters, but I'm obssessed with the fire here :D