Apprentices: The A teamShattering-Gravity on DeviantArt

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Apprentices: The A team



Whenever anyone boasts about the talented people living in Tyler's cabin, they're talking about Lanna (center, because that's just how special she is). After all, Lanna is the academy's very own prodigy, so talented, intelligent and disciplined, it would almost be a comfort if she were mean. But she's not, because being mean would make her imperfect. Instead she's "too good for the presence of mere mortals," according to Elkor, and "faultlessly boring," according to Silver. Oh, and she has friends, too. But we never talk about Jesslynn(left) and Werren (right), because Lanna always has to be center of attention. 

Can't you tell just how much I adore this character? She's my favorite! Eh. Well, Jesslynn and Werren deserved to be drawn and it's impossible to draw them without their fearless leader, so here we are. 
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Eaugenius's avatar

Some sweet magic effects here, is it some sort of ice magic? :D