[ GT ] Aoi Harukishasuu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shasuu/art/GT-Aoi-Haruki-458247213shasuu

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[ GT ] Aoi Haruki



Joining with my friend, ewya ; 7 ;b wish us luck!!! //crosses fingers//
thankyou to the mod who had helped app check Aoi and thank you to friends who helped as well
//cries// youhavenoideahowmanytimesiredesignedthisguy....:iconimsotiredplz:

Name: Aoi  Haruki ( 碧晴生 )

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 180 cm ( 5’11” feet)

Weight:  63.5 kg ( 140 lbs )

Nationality: Japanese

Year: Junior


Alias: Shinzou

Shinzou is the embodiment of Aoi’s negative emotions such as Loss, Remorse and Betrayal. It is difficult for him to trust others so he usually comes off cold and rude, usually wanting nothing to do with people around him. In this Alternate Form, he usually prefers to distant himself to be alone so his only concern would be to take care of himself and travel at his own pace.   

Element: Water

Weapon:  Long Dual-bladed Katana

Light in weight yet it has a very far reach, the katana has twin blades with dangerous sharp edges. Because of its length, it cannot be supported with a scabbard so it has to be held at hand at all times although this makes the weapon quick and easy to access for a battle.

Level: 1


STR 15    ⋆          SPD 3      ⋆     VIT 20    ⋆     DEF 13  ⋆           INTEL    7             ⋆     LCK 2

Bonecutter [ Basic ] – A quick melee attack using the Dual-bladed Katana to slice or stab when rushing enemies in order to inflict damage.

Allocate [ Special ] – As a last resort, an exchange is performed. At a cost of 50% of his current Vitality, Speed and Luck increases by 10% each. This can only be used once per visit in the otherworld. 


Quiet | Reserved | Compassionate | Submissive| Independent | Hesitant | Lazy  | Unmotivated

Aoi is usually quiet and a person who keeps to himself unless his opinion is being asked. He comes off as a person who doesn’t care much about anything around him although, in reality, he does take everything into consideration whether he shows it or not. For instance, Aoi is really lazy and he wouldn’t make an effort to get involved into anything unless it concerned him or a close friend. His reason for being lazy is that he is both unmotivated and he does not wish to strain himself from doing anything that his body would not be able to handle in a physical point of view. Despite the need of medical assistance,  Aoi is independent and responsible. He meets deadlines and is punctual when it comes to work and school.




-board games


-being rushed

-peer pressure

-being underestimated


Aoi was born in a quiet neighborhood, being the oldest of two children, five years older than his younger sister, Azami. Growing up, Aoi noticed that he was different than most kids and needed a lot more special attention as well as treatment. He was born with a heart defect which prohibited him from playing most of the sports that he wished to be active in. His parent, especially his mother, was always worried about Aoi’s health due to his respiratory issues, slow growth and low blood pressure. As much as the sickly child hated being babied, there was no exception other than making him take medicine and taking him to constant trips to the hospital for checkups in order to monitor his health. At a young age, his parents decided to move the family closer to Naharishio, the center of Sugigawa where they could easily access the Public Hospital.

Despite his heart condition, Aoi was beloved by his family who was always hopeful for not only his recovery but also in his and his little sister’s studies. They’ve always taught him the importance of being diligent so Aoi focused a lot in his studies as he grew up as a substitute from his lack of his ineligibility in sports. Making friends became easy to him while he was young although it was usually only at school that he would interact with them. Outside of school, his parents would drag Aoi and his sister with them to their private owned Bakery shop within the area in order to keep an eye out for them. Later on he began to help his family business once he was old enough to as a delivery boy.

His Over-circulation Failure began to look a lot better once he was in the middle of grade school. The child became over confident in his health’s improvements despite the fact that he still had to take his regular medicine. Medication became only a regular routine for him and Aoi didn’t take it as serious as he should be although his parents and his younger sister would always remind him in case he would forget or simply lack the self determination to take it. Checkups became less frequent and Aoi was finally able to become active once he had news that his heart condition was showing signs of improvement. He participated in various sports in the school in which he was enrolled in although his mother was still worrisome of his health but seeing how much it made him happy, his family permitted it.

Unfortunately, it was only a limited time that his heart remained well off. Right before Aoi’s time to enter Seiko High School, he began to be absent from school due to his condition when his heart began to deteriorate, being too weak. It wasn’t long before the news of his Heart Failure became life threatening and even fatal. The last couple months of Middle School, Aoi stayed in the hospital as his parents and little sister stayed overnight with him as well. His parents had kept the news of Aoi’s possible future fatality from him since he was too young to learn that his life would be cut short. The only information he was told was that he was warned to be prepared for heart surgery in order to get better although the only problem now was to find a donated heart. It was several months before doctors were able to find a potential heart for Aoi. There was news that, due to a recent car accident, a victim who had been pronounced dead had actually signed as an organ donor on his license. Aoi’s parents were very grateful for this opportunity although Aoi felt skeptical having a stranger’s heart be transplanted into his body. Despite his uncertainty, the boy went along with it…

The operation was successful although the surgery had left a scar upon the male’s chest where he was operated. Only after waking up from the procedure, Aoi had finally met donor’s family. Since, Aoi has felt guilty for continuing to live off of another person’s organ, especially after meeting the donor’s family. Aoi’s family and the donor’s family were tense at first but it wasn’t long after they began to reach an understanding. Eventually, the families became close friends. Aoi was finally able to enter  Seiko High School after all although Aoi couldn’t find forgiveness within himself from the operation and having to have someone's heart operate his own body. He became more reserved and quiet as he still, until now, feels immense guilt. Although he feels at fault, Aoi is grateful for the opportunity that the transplant has given him so he expresses his gratitude by taking care of his body such as having a good diet and being only sufficiently active in what he thinks his new heart can handle. His main goal is to take care of himself without the help of others because he wants to be more independent and nonreliant on others to look after him, in hopes of recovering at the same time.


-As a younger sister named Azami who is five years younger than him

-Due to the fact that Aoi is tired of people taking care of him, he has his own pet Shiba Inu named Shogun Koji that he loves taking care of

-Uses a moped as transportation and for work

-Helps with his family’s own private Bakery as a delivery boy and sometimes helps his father bake

feel free to rp anytime through skype! uvu//

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