ShareYourWriting's avatar


Years Ago
257 Members197 Watchers

Breathe of Fire by violetstory, literature

When Did You Go to Sleep? by Sgw6, literature

No Words For This by Sgw6, literature

Emergency Ward by buddybmww, literature

random poem #6 by silverspread, literature

random poem #5 by silverspread, literature

random poem #4 by silverspread, literature

Comments 58

anonymous's avatar
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Vvulf's avatar

It looks like this group is inactive. I'm trying to kickstart a few new writing groups. Check them out if you're interested. :) 
This is a writing critique group. It works off of a give-one get-one basis. Folders are routinely emptied to ensure critique requests are from active members.
A Fantasy Literature showcase! Find fantasy writers or display your work. This group is organized by subgenre and offers dedicated folders for members' chaptered works.
New writing prompts every month!

***If this group is still active, sorry, and feel free to hide this comment 
DeathDriver86's avatar
Hello everyone. I've been a member in this group for a long time but have been away from DeviantArt for about 4 years or so. But I'm back and hoping to get back into writing.
Violet--Nova's avatar
I want to join your group but before I do, I have to ask what is the limit on ratings around here? Like what are the rules on sex, gore, rape etc? I'm not saying that I consistently write such things, I just want to know if I can post chapters/short stories here that may have the occasional scene?
LadyAlluvia's avatar
are there any rules regarding mature content ?
TheELDiluvian's avatar
BHSBlueHairedSaiyan's avatar
Can I contribute a poem I wrote?