[F2U] tiny tiel bounceShalmons on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shalmons/art/F2U-tiny-tiel-bounce-723381770Shalmons

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[F2U] tiny tiel bounce

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i've been meaning to try smaller 32x32 sprites for a while, so i thought i would make the test subject an F2U thing, why not  ^^; 

*credit is appreciated, but not necessary (especially if you use the dA thumb that redirects here when clicked)
*off-site use is also fine
*just don't repost as your own work or claim that you drew it!
*never sell my resources in any capacity (unless it's a clearly labeled base that is intended for sale after being sufficiently altered)
*please do not use in association with content that is explicitly NSFW or politically/religiously affiliated 
*i reserve the right to use my F2U designs for my own commercial purposes, such as selling them on merchandise 

static version:  Tiel by Shalmons
Flips:  F2utinytielfllip by Shalmons  Tielflip by Shalmons
Image size
32x32px 3.21 KB
© 2018 - 2025 Shalmons
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