Current Residence: Poland / Lublin
Favourite genre of music: punk, punk-rock, heavy metal, rock
Favourite photographer: David Lachapelle, Rebeca Tillett
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Wallpaper of choice: Joker
Favourite cartoon character: Emily Strange, Salad Fingers, Kenny
Personal Quote: That which doesn't kill you, will make you stronger.
Favourite Visual Artist
Luke Chueh
Favourite Movies
Closer,Fight Club,Lost in Translation,Sin Eater,Butterfly Effect,Sin City,V for Vendetta
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Jonathan Carroll, Sylvia Plath, Pratchett, J.L.Wiśniewski, Orwell
Other Interests
music, photography, movies, literature, journalism, web design