I am making this journal just to,tell you guys, it's have been a year since I joined and I want to thank everyone that supported in the past year but that's not the only thing I want to tell you guys.
I also want to say that the next week end I want you guys give suggestions of a realism challenge, so I want through out this week suggestions in the comment box below or in my page, then I will choose the best suggestion to do the drawing about and when I submit that drawing I will mention your name, so please give your suggestions! :D
Thanks once again to you all and have a good day! :)
Another year has past, a year with bad moments that we suffered, we got depressed or stressed, we cried and also a year with good moments that we had, moments of laughter, joy, fun and excitement, this year was a tough for many of you but also a great year others, so it leaves me to say this to everyone! :D HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :iconnarutosmileplz: