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Name: Emily
Gender: 3rd
Location: Perth, Australia.
When did you start cosplaying? 2008
What was your first cosplay? Gunner Yuna from Final Fantasy X-2
How did you get into cosplay? I had to much time to kill.
Do you prefer cosplaying male or female characters? Male
How many cosplays have you done? 6 or 7 not including Riku variations.
What are your favourite cosplays that you've done? RIKU!!!! and Trunks
Are you part of a cosplay group? Nope
What do you prefer to do, make or buy your costumes? Make, but if parts of the outfit can be purchased then I will and the alter it were needed.
How much time do you usually spend making a costume? Depends of how much time I have, usually about a week or so.
What is your dream cosplay?
Princess Zelda from LoZ: Twilight Princess, Saten Tensi Goku (Saiyuki) and Uniform Field Marshall Tenpuo (Saiyuki Gaiden)
Which conventions do you usually attend? Wai-con and Supanova Perth
Your most memorable cosplay experience? Being drag around the first Perth Supanova by ~luvxcloudxstrife because she wanted to meet Quintin Flynn
Links: [link]

Kingdom Hearts (c) Square Enix and Disney
Costume and props made by me
Rights to photograph goes to Knux.
Knux's websight: [link]
Be sure to check it out sometime.
Image size
648x972px 141.92 KB
© 2010 - 2025 ShadowsMask
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AngelsArcher's avatar
Nice costume... and I like that wig =D