PO - 'Gaydevoir,' huh...ShadowScarKnight on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shadowscarknight/art/PO-Gaydevoir-huh-251246019ShadowScarKnight

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ShadowScarKnight's avatar

PO - 'Gaydevoir,' huh...



Yay another Pokermanz-related comic -- and it's 24 PANELS LAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNNNNG

This is a comic based on a match I had on Pokémon Online. However, for the sake of getting my point across, I snipped out a few details of the actual match (like items and moves) so the point can be illustrated without being taken over by other material.

I first led off with my Venomoth, and he started with Ferrothorn. I used Sleep Powder to render it unusable for a while, and proceeded to use Quiver Dance and then Baton Pass. Mind you, he made the n00bish mistake of staying in, letting his overconfidence think for him by waiting for the sleep status to wear off.

So I sent out my male (yes shock shock surprise surprise) Gardevoir out. When he noticed it, he left about three consecutive blocks of text berating me for using a male Gardevoir instead of a female one. Or for not using a Gallade instead. He flung just about everything at me; gay jokes, hatin', prejudice, sexism, everything. Just to be ballsy and see how far I could troll him, I had my Specs'd Gardevoir spam Focus Blast.

... It managed to hit -- and kill -- every time, with not even a critical hit to rub it in. Knocked down his Ferro, his Lucario, Charizard, Conkeldurr and Hydreigon with every successful hit. Trust me, this is too good to make up.

It was at this point he became VERY furious and yelled at me for being a cheater, and said I should go and "have fun" with my "Gaydevoir" (lololol another gay joke) before finally ragequitting, leaving me victorious. Sadly though, I didn't think to click "Save Chat Log" on the window, otherwise I'd post it here to share with you all. Seriously, it was great. XD Then again, I don't feel like sharing his username, so eh.

Also, ever seen a Gardevoir do a brofist before? Well, now you have.

So yeah. Lesson of this comic? Gender of a Pokémon is not what matters; its potential is what counts.

Pokémon is © Game Freak and Nintendo.
Artwork and comic is my work.

PS: Does anyone else agree with me that Gardevoir should actually know some DANCING MOVES? Hell it knows Magical Leaf, what's stopping it from learning Petal Dance and Quiver Dance on its own? D<
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© 2011 - 2025 ShadowScarKnight
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rc211238's avatar

Focus blast is 70 percent accurate, u DICKHEAD!

In Gen 9, Gardevoir might not use Focus Blast (accuracy is bullshit).