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Previous: #60: Picky Eater
Next: #62: Celestial's Return
First things first:
1) I love Joon's design. She looks like such a perfect rich girl, it's amazing. And I love her drill hair, too.
2) Their theme is awesome. How is it that the (fighting game) final bosses' theme's keep getting better and better, despite already being my favorite themes to begin with?
My hat off to ZUN and his musical prowess, seriously.
I wrote this comic without knowing anything about the characters (and even now I only know little about them, since I prefer to wait and play the game in English once a translation is out, fan-made or official.
But even with just their designs and attacks, those characters give you so much material already... my hat off to ZUN for the character design and to whoever designed their attacks, too.
In fact, all of my hats off to everyone having taken part in making AoCF!
Welp, time to go and draw more AoFC related comics!
Also, obligatory "I drew Shion joke". (Shion -> )
Since, you know, I keep making this "joke" whenever I draw any character named Mion, and Shion and Mion are sisters and I'll just shut up now. *drifts away*
, Joon & Shion ©
Next: #62: Celestial's Return
First things first:
1) I love Joon's design. She looks like such a perfect rich girl, it's amazing. And I love her drill hair, too.
2) Their theme is awesome. How is it that the (fighting game) final bosses' theme's keep getting better and better, despite already being my favorite themes to begin with?
My hat off to ZUN and his musical prowess, seriously.
I wrote this comic without knowing anything about the characters (and even now I only know little about them, since I prefer to wait and play the game in English once a translation is out, fan-made or official.
But even with just their designs and attacks, those characters give you so much material already... my hat off to ZUN for the character design and to whoever designed their attacks, too.
In fact, all of my hats off to everyone having taken part in making AoCF!
Welp, time to go and draw more AoFC related comics!
Also, obligatory "I drew Shion joke". (Shion -> )
Since, you know, I keep making this "joke" whenever I draw any character named Mion, and Shion and Mion are sisters and I'll just shut up now. *drifts away*
, Joon & Shion ©
Image size
550x1730px 636.35 KB
© 2018 - 2025 ShadowNCS
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When will people learn, if you dont want the money just donate the Hakurei shrine!!!