CONTEST ENTRY: Klayton ToddShadow-Hunter446 on DeviantArt

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:devart: Yes, I do commissions! Click here for more information: [link]? :devart:

**UPDATE** [link]
Can't believe I actually won the contest! O.O Thank you so much everyone!

Thank you to everyone who commented and favorited, and Thank you all so much for all the feedback :D I'm glad to see this picture was received so well! ^^ And I'm really happy to hear you that the little details did not go unnoticed. Though I don't always reply to all my comments, I do read them and I really love hearing what you guys think of my art. So to all my viewers (watchers or not) Thank you so much for your support!!!

Finally finished my contest entry!!! Took quite a number of hours for this thing. lol. But I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

Anyway, for the :iconcell-mates: contest, my theme I was assigned was Tim Burton. Now, I am not really a big fan of Tim Burton to be honest, I don't like very much of his work. So, it was difficult for me to decide how to best portray Celldweller in this style.

Well, I saw the white streak in Sweeney Todd's hair and I was hit with sudden inspiration.

I used this image as a reference to the whole Sweeney Todd thing: [link]

And The Detroit Skyline in the window is a stock image from Stock Xchange: [link]

As for the pic in the picture frame, it's a distorted photo that I took at the Celldweller concert in Columbus Ohio earlier this year.

I am really pleased with how this image turned out and I hope that the judges agree. I hope I was able to portray enough of Celldweller and Tim Burton without one overpowering the other. It was a difficult balance ^^' Not sure how I did with that.

Anyhoo, regardless, Enjoy! Best of luck to everyone else who is entering the contest!!!
Image size
3284x2512px 489.3 KB
Canon MP620 series
© 2011 - 2025 Shadow-Hunter446
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