Fuyuki Trialsshadow-hobo07 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shadow-hobo07/art/Fuyuki-Trials-423313536shadow-hobo07

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Fuyuki Trials



So this is fuyuki traveling into the mountains when he went to get bonded with his griffin (neither of the two shown here are her though)
so I was told I didn't have to do this because Fuyuki obtains max status before the trials were a thing in the group, but I felt like doing it anyway. 

but uuuuuugh, this is sooooooooooo bad. Partially because my scanner is meh quality, partially because I am bad. 
I still cannot color rock formations with colored pencil :iconotlplz: If anyone knows any tutorials to help me or has any tips, plox helps T_T

Might redo this digitally if I can find time lol

Fuyuki (c) me

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2233x1700px 1015.12 KB
© 2013 - 2025 shadow-hobo07
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sarahsmiles916's avatar
Here's a tutorial I think you may find helpful. Great for detail wok and landscape stuff.. etherealmog.deviantart.com/art…