I only post my own generated content <3
I also tend to over write/typo/gibberish into my prompts, to hopefully never accidentally "rip" someones stuff from the data set directly, and to have atleast a little bit of weird creative whatever embedded into what "I do" but I get thats all very contentious.
I write my own prompts and do not use start images <3 But I understand that it's impossible to not be influenced by atleast one artists image, as the dataset is pulling from many things all at once, so it is what it is.
I also love to play guitar, and draw, but on here will mostly post things I generate with ai <3
I can also do free requests, so feel free to leave comments on things that you like most and let me know if you'd like me to make something for you!
Thanks for reading this all, I figure why you are here I wish you the most wonderful days ahead!
Thanks for the Fragments
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Thank you very much for the badge 🤗