Contemplation of the BrushSeyorrol on DeviantArt

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Contemplation of the Brush



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1019x757px 487.39 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Seyorrol
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KevinRollins's avatar
The contemplation of the brush? Well, now, this is interesting. Certainly a piece that really gets me thinking. And I like that. Though a lot of your art has so far, but that's beyond the point. Contemplating the brush. In what way? I feel like this could have a number of interpretations. I feel it's akin to gazing at a blank canvas. For some, I'd say it's imagining all the creative possibilities. Whereas for me, it's much more intimidating. Few things as intimidating for me as an empty canvas. Though perhaps it's because I'm learning to draw, and so far struggling at it. But those are just my thoughts. Perhaps I shouldn't be inundating you with this. I've probably left you too many comments to read at this point anyways.