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Old Saxon Law
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GISETIÐARAD – undarstandandie regula werðad in thrim wandum giskriƀum gigeƀan.
Giskrif en: Fan thesumu dage furðor endi so lango God mi noh thana maht gigiƀid that ik mina meninga friliko ut mag seggian williu ik mer undarniman so that ik theses rehtes bet niotan mugi endi thiu ne williu ik mer swigon allum siðum that ik meninga ut kan seggian.
Giskrif en: Fan thesumu dage furðor endi so lango God mi noh thana maht gigiƀid that ik mina meninga friliko ut mag seggian williu ik mer undarniman so that ik theses rehtes bet niotan mugi endi thiu ne williu ik mer swigon allum siðum that ik meninga ut kan seggian.
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