Moonlight and Mr... Right?SeventhBard on DeviantArt

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Moonlight and Mr... Right?



Eudora and Rick left the brewpub, and Eudora was still feeling a little woozy. She was not used to sap and either it was stronger than she’d imagined it, or she didn’t have much of a constitution for it. She leaned on Rick, letting him walk her home.

Along the way, they just kind of chatted. It was nice. Maybe it was the sap, maybe it was the moonlight, or maybe it was all the changes her life had been going through. She felt both full and empty with the cottage finally complete. There was nothing to chase away her thoughts without a project now, and she had nothing but time to feel herself rattling around the place, where Buck and Elma had not yet come to visit, and of course she had no Aurora to turn to. Thank goodness for Sundrop but he wasn’t another gro, you know? She found herself telling Rick about her dreams, and her fears, and how she wanted her own family.

He was so kind and understanding about it all. She ended up asking if he’d like to stay the night. “There’s a guest bedroom,” she explained, “and I kept you up so late talking...” she giggled a little, self-conscious suddenly about her chatter. She didn’t remember everything she said, but she was pretty sure there had been talk of holding Elma and the trust in her eyes, and probably something about her parents, and how growing up at the nook had been both happy and sad and how she hoped the cottage would be a place to create love, and life, and light. That was perhaps a lot to mention to someone she’d only just met.

In a surprisingly courtly gesture, Rick bowed slightly, taking her hand in his and booping it gently. Eudora melted, just a little.

“No problem at all, my dear. I do believe I’ll take you up on that offer.”

Rick climbed into the guest bed, grinning to himself. If he’d pressed a little, he probably could have had a lot of fun with Eudora tonight. Yet something in him told him to hold out for the long game. So, heeding the instinct, he decided to bide his time.

Not that he was going soft, no, of course not. Settling down wasn’t really for him, and it was pretty clear that Eudora wanted a happy ever after he had no interest in providing. Still, not only was she pretty, but she seemed very sweet. The considerate way she spoke to him was kind of refreshing. This did promise more than a one night fling, but Rick was finding to his own surprise that there was something a little compelling about that. He knew he couldn’t be her Mr. Right. But if he played his cards right, he could be the proverbial Mr. Right Now. That didn’t sound like a bad idea at all...

Part One:…

Part Two:…

Y'all, I don't think Eudora can hold her sap. Rick has discovered her secret: she's a cheap date. XD 


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AuroraTheTinyDragon's avatar

Ahhh, I love the shading on this piece, it looks so nice!!