
Years Ago
1 Member3 Watchers

Autumn Mist

The sole purpose of this group is to allow for a better way of managing images and journals for any and all da breeds that have a points system.

This group will not host shows, and any breeding or other transactions will be dealt with through my stable account.

Breed Records

Boucle Unicorn Records

Aksiothos Records

Peafowl Fresian Info

Fjallhestion Records

Nordanner Records

Padros Records

Taigons Records

Harlequine Records

Faime Records

Quirlicorn Records

Journal Templates

Nordy Template

Point Systems

Nordanner Kaaring System

The Magic Point System

Veratis Point System

Comments 20

anonymous's avatar
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Doodeedoodah's avatar
sounds like a great idea!
Shayla-Estate's avatar
Thanks. I've seen others do similar. I think it may help to clean up my account a little bit, especially the journals.
Doodeedoodah's avatar
I saw you have a natural drafters section in your that as in the group?
Shayla-Estate's avatar
Yup, I just forgot to move their papers and stuff over. I only have two horses actually registered with that group at the moment, but I thought about using this group as a way of keeping track of their points as well.