[EUIV] Aceh EmpireServalCatMaps on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/servalcatmaps/art/EUIV-Aceh-Empire-910814177ServalCatMaps

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[EUIV] Aceh Empire



My 26th EUIV run: Aceh.

Yes, yet another run in Southeast Asia, it's one of my favourite regions. While I had already played with Majapahit and restored them and Hinduism to their former glory, now I wanted to do the opposite and make Aceh and Sunni faith dominant instead, like it happened historically, at least the latter thing. 

The first and foremost thing I had to do was get rid of Pasai - my main starting rival. They were stronger than me and they had Pahang, Pattani and Siak as allies, so to defeat them I had to play smart. I recruited the free company and allied with Malacca. When I was ready for the war, I landed all my forces in Malacca, because we were much weaker, so we had to deal with our enemies one by one. First, we stackwiped Pahang's army, besieged them and blocked their port, they peaced out. We did the same to Pattani and then moved on to Siak. I failed to stackwipe their army, but after occupying all their provinces, except for their capital, they agreed to peace out. In the meantime, Pasai had occupied my whole country and my war exhaustion was sky rocketing. But now, Pasai alone didn't have any chances to win against me and Malacca, and I ended up fully annexing them. It took a long time to recover, but it was totally worth it. 

Now that I had survived and defeated my main rival, I was able to annex other Sumatran states one by one. After I had secured Barus, Deli, Pagarruyung and Indrapura, I had to part my ways with Malacca and from worthy allies, they became my foe. Not only because they had tributaries I had an interest in, but they had vassalised Siak and even annexed them during our truce. They were allied with Brunei, so my first war wasn't very easy, they dominated the seas, but similarly like in my war with Pasai, I had Kalantan as an ally, so I landed my armies there and only then declared war. Of course I couldn't hope for total victory, because there was no way I could get Brunei out of war, but I still managed to occupy all of Malacca and I took their holdings in Siak. The next war was much easier though, I had greatly strengthen my navy, so our naval forces were equal in strength, and, not to mention, I had Ayutthaya as an ally. So this war totally doomed them. Soon after Ayutthaya became my rival, but they had already done their part, so I had no need for them anymore, except for their land of course. So from then on, I just moved on to take Langfang and expanded into Java, while doing what Aceh is supposed to do, spread the Sunni faith. 

When I had discovered the Ottomans, I improved my relations with them and we became allies. They helped me to kick out Spain and France from Nusantara. Our alliance lasted until around 1750, when the Ottomans declared a military hegemony, while I was an economical hegemon. I didn't know that hegemons can't be allied with each other. This was the time, when we parted our ways, but not fully, because the Ottomans had introduced a heir to me, so my Aceh ended up being ruled by the Ottoman dynasty. 
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