Alayna's New Jungle Girl Life
The time was high noon, the temperature was hot, the weather was clear as she rode her zodiac up a river that cuts into a lush, African jungle, the sights of the trees and wavy water was only a taste of what she will experience in her new life. This girl is none other than Alayna, a tall 18 year old girl with long brown hair, and a well toned body that has a light tan. Alayna has recently made a life changing decision, to ditch civilization and to live in the African wilderness as a jungle girl.
Alayna remembers years ago, she first learned of the jungle girl genre from some fellow classmates at school, they were boys of course and they were kind of obsessed with it. Curiously Alayna did look into it, at first it seemed like some dumb fantasy, and it certainly didn't help when she realized that it was to appeal to the male fantasy which she is disgusted with to this day, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt in tune with the whole jungle girl thing, not for the whole