sergezhodik's avatar


217 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
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My Bio

Hi friends, my name is Serge.

I'm photographer since 2019.

Now I'm NFT artist and you can invest in my work on OpenSea.

#NFT #NFTartist #NFTcreator

Thank you for your comments and gifts!

There will be a lot of new shoots coming soon. Stay tuned!

Favourite TV Shows
Top Gear
Favourite Games
Mass Effect, The Witcher
Favourite Gaming Platform

Profile Comments 55

anonymous's avatar
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Onephoto12's avatar

Hello good day! your art works

looks good I also noticed that you

are fully engaged in your craft. I

think your art has enough quality to

produce big time project, I believe

would be a great fit for various

industries such as film, digital

reality, and advertising if you are

open minded about it

sergezhodik's avatar

Hello and thank you friend!

I'd actually like to dive more into shooting video. I have some scenarios and ideas, but I don't have the means to realise it yet. I would be happy to make a short erotic film with an interesting plot. I hope I can do it one day. If someone offered me to participate in such a project, I would be very happy too :)

SwecoBrandErotica's avatar

Your work is magnificent.

sergezhodik's avatar

Thank you very much! 😊

HornDogMarco's avatar

Beautiful gallery, lots of lovely ladies, congratulations on your talent!

sergezhodik's avatar

Wow. Thank you so much for the nice words! 🤗

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