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:star::star: This is not for sale but if you want one like it send me a note or request a custom order Just click here!: www.etsy.com/shop/SerenityWire… :star::star:

I decided to give you guys a break and not post something related to birds:P There's more to come though! Any whom, I made this a few months back. I think I did it at the beginning of the year. I forgot to post it^^;

My sister and I were discussing ways to incorporate the tree of life pendant into other themes. This one came up and I liked the idea. It's a moogle from the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games:) I believe this moogle is from Kingdom Hearts.

I intended to sell it but I liked it too much and kept it. I did make another though! I will put it up but I have to finish it before I do. It's similar to this one but the tree's leaves are different colors.

Let me know what you guys think of it and if I should do more of these:) Comment below!

:star: Follow me on my other websites for exclusive sales and events!:star:

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:bulletred: Storenvy: serenitywiredesigns.storenvy.c…  (Only old, discounted, early or made-to-order items are here)

P.S.- No you may not recreate/imitate the pendant. Don't ask. Please understand

If you open a shop, use this link! It gives you 40 free listings!: etsy.me/1Tnkb3S

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2927x2929px 1.87 MB
© 2015 - 2025 SerenityWireDesigns
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